holistic health coaching

'When we treat our body and mind kindly and
optimise our physical and mental health, we'll receive
vitality, ease, contentment and confidence in return.'


Holistic health coaching emphasizes health beyond what's on your plate. It's helping you to feel your best through a combination of:

Health Coaching with a holistic approach looks at all aspects of your life, helping you through positive lifestyle changes to meet your physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual needs.

How can Holistic Health Coaching help you?

With holistic health coaching, we can determine which areas of your health you wish to improve. Through collaborative efforts, we will discover the most effective methods to implement small yet meaningful changes that suit your needs. My role is to guide and encourage you towards achieving your desired health goals, wherever they may be.

Health coaching involves more than just focusing on your diet. Many different factors can affect your health and well-being. Here are some examples of areas we can address, and you may find some more relevant to your needs than others.

And anything else you need to move towards health and a life full of vitality, ease, contentment, and resilience.

Health Coaching with a holistic approach looks at all aspects of your life, helping you through positive lifestyle changes to meet your physical, emotional, energetic, mental, and spiritual needs.

Alex uses her specialist training and treats all her clients holistically. Alex is insightful, nurturing, and intuitive, taking a personal, non-judgemental approach to any treatment.


Holistic health coaching focuses on improving all aspects of your life, including your physical, emotional, energetic, mental, and spiritual well-being. Her treatments will bring you greater self-awareness, self-empowerment, and overall healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives.

You can email Alex to schedule a free 20-minute discovery call at alex@alexandrashave.com or book online.

Holistic Nutrition Coaching

Healthy nutrition intake is not complicated,
but why is it SO difficult to achieve? 

Nutrition Coaching will benefit your health, self-worth, relationships, energy level, and so much more! We will create new habits and make lifestyle changes - A step-by-step process of building a solid permanent foundation. 

You will learn skills and get tools to enable you to reach your optimum health on all levels. You will be able to get to your goal of health and weight and sustain it long-term whilst feeling empowered and resilient.

Holistic Fertility Coaching

A physically and mentally healthy body offers the best environment for conceiving and growing a healthy baby.

More like a partner than a  fertility Coach, I am supporting you free of judgement. Working alongside you (and your partner) on your road to becoming a parent.

Together, you'll face challenges, and she will help you overcome any obstacles that are in the way of you getting and staying pregnant.

Alex blends Eastern and Western wisdom, methods and teachings into a unique coaching style. She uses communication skills, practical exercises, nutrition, goal pursuing, tips, mindfulness, breathwork, movement and CBT techniques to help promote conception and the growth of a healthy baby.

Boosting your physical health and emotional well-being by:

Being the pilot of your plane will help you stay in control and make decisions that work for you to become the healthiest version of yourself and increase the chances of delivering a healthy baby.